is the supreme authority of the association solus. Decides on the all major issues of operation of the company.
is the management body of the association SOLUS. The association Board performs members’ meeting resolution, establishing working groups, ensures the daily management of the association and performs other tasks according of the statutes.
is a statutory body of the association SOLUS and consists of the chairman and three vice- chairmen. Their term of office is four years. The members of Bureau may be elected repeatedly. Within the competence of the Bureau is regular management of the association SOLUS and additional legal powers defined in the statutes of the association SOLUS.
association Board assigns specific issues to the committee. Within the activities of the association SOLUS sectoral committees are created, whereas each member of SOLUS is a member of at least one committee.
elected by the members meeting. Performs routine control of the economy of the association and of the financial statements. The Controller reports to the membership meeting the results of the inspection. The term of office of the Controller is two years and may be renewed. The function of the controller is incompatible with membership in the Board and with the function of its chairman or vice-chairman.
Council of the association instructs the secretary of the association administrative ensuring the normal running the association.
Data Protection Officer is elected and dismissed by the members’ meeting. His term of office is unlimited in time. Data Protection Officer oversees compliance with obligations under generally binding legal regulations and internal regulations of the association SOLUS in area of personal data protection also cooperates with the Office for personal data protection and provides to association SOLUS, members of its bodies and its employees with information and advice about their obligations in the area of personal data protection. Data Protection Officer is responsible to the Bureau. You can contact the Data Protection Officer by e-mail at or in writing to the headquarters of the SOLUS association.
Working groups are a common platform for the exchange of information and experience of member companies, government authorities and other associations.
Besides the individual bodies of the association SOLUS an important role is played by the independent auditor whose main task is to check the correctness and completeness of the data transmitted to individual members of the association as well as the control of their compliance with Rules for creation, management and use of shared databases of consumers and databases of entrepreneurs and legal entities.
ESSOX s.r.o.
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370 01 České Budějovice
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