SOLUS, interest association of legal persons, whose goal is to contribute to the prevention of overindebtedness of clients, to prevent growth in number of debtors in delay, to increas enforceability of existing debt overdue and also to reduce the potential of financial losses to creditors within so called responsible lending.
Since 1999, when was the SOLUS registered and started activity, the members of the association SOLUS strives to minimize financial losses from the provided services so that the clients with good payment habits didn’t have to pay these losses in the price of the provided services. The name of the association is derived from the initial letters of the original name in Czech: the Association for the protection of leases and loans to consumers, which also characterizes its main objective.
The association SOLUS brings together a number of companies from the different economic sectors. These include non-bank financial institutions, banks, telecommunication operators, energy distributors and other companies. All these companies can, thanks to their membership in the association SOLUS and through the Registers of the SOLUS Association, effectively manage the risk of the services they provide.