SIN (SOLUS Identification Number) is an eight-letter code that is required for the use of SMS statement. Without SIN the SMS statement service can´t be used. SIN is used to identify the client and allows him to check debts listed in the Register FO.
Do not disclose your personal SIN to other people! We recomend to treat your SIN as for example the PIN of your credit card. If your SIN was compromised you should block it immediately.
You do not, but given the fact that the SIN code is used to identify you and allows you to verify the current status of liabilities denominated about you in the Register FO, we recommend to behave to your SIN code, like for example a PIN for debit card and therefore we do not recommend using other than your own phone number.
Once manage to connect an incoming payment with your request for SIN code, customer service calls on your number from a request and within a short monitored call verify your identity.
If you miss the verification call we send you a message with a request about call back. We will wait 10 days and then your request for SIN code will be cancel.
Yes, you can, but your number must be enabled for Premium SMS (your mobile operator allows premium SMS).
SMS with SIN code after the ordering via the Electronic application for SMS distribution is classic SMS, while SMS statement operates on the basis of Premium SMS.
If you recieve SMS with SIN code on your mobile phone number, from which you then try to send request for SMS statement and answer didn’t arrive, then it maybe a case when you don’t have allowed service of Premium SMS from your mobile operator.
The state may occure in the following situations:
1) You have sent application but you don’t send the payment yet or you filled payment order wrong and payment wasn’t paired. Application is waiting in the system to incoming payment for 10 days. Then the payment is canceled. To verify that the payment order has arrived, please
contact customer service.
2) You have sent an application and payment correctly but phone verification of your identity failed. For each recieved and paid application, customer service verifies the identity of the applicant through short phone call. If phone call failed then the customer service send SMS message with a request for a call back.
If the monitored verification phone call is unsuccessful the application will not be processed.
Through the SMS statement you can easily get information about your debts which were reported to register of natural persons of the SOLUS Association and which may affect the provision of a mortgage, loan, lease or other services from member companies of the association SOLUS.
This is a premium service beyond your statutory right of access to personal data processed.
You can check your debts at any time and from any place in the Czech Republic without a visit to the post office. You will receive a response in one minute.
Before starting the use of SMS Statement you need a SIN code under which we can identify you.
After obtaining the SIN the use of SMS statement is very simple. Send keyword SOLUSspaceSIN (your personal code) to the number 902 02 and you recieve SMS with list of your debts from member companies of the SOLUS Association in SMS. Or you can use our new application for cell phones with Android system. The application compiles the request SMS and receives and archives incoming information. For users who order SMS statements repeatedly we offer a lower price of seconds a subsequent SMS statement.
You can download the application here:
You can ask for your SIN through the electronic application form Request for SMS statement.
SIN (SOLUS Identification Number) is an eight-letter code that is required for the use of SMS statement. Without SIN the SMS statement service can´t be used. SIN is used to identify the client and allows him to check debts listed in the Register FO.
Do not disclose your personal SIN to other people! We recomend to treat your SIN as for example the PIN of your credit card.If your SIN was compromised you should block it immediately.
The expiration period for the SIN which was not used yet is 6 months.
You have to type the following text to the SMS (instead of SIN you will type your eigth-letter personal code.)
for example: SOLUS LNIEDEKY
and send it to the telephone number 902 02.
You will receive SMS statement with a list of your current debts (from telephone number 902 02 099). Unless you receive SMS statement in few minutes, you should check (with your operator) if Premium SMS service is allowed for your phone. You should also check your phone credit. Price of the service is listed in Price list.
you can use our new application for cell phones with Android system. The application compils the request SMS and receives and archives incoming information. For users who order SMS statements repeatedly we offer lower price of second a subsequent for more information
You can download the application here:
The formal structure of the SMS statement:
debt amount_1, creditor_1; debt amount_2, creditor_2; … ; relevant to [date a time]
Example 1: 0 Kc, Company1, s.r.o.; 14109 Kc, Company2, a.s.; relevant to 1.2.2010 11:02
Example 2: V soucasnosti pro Vas SIN v registru neni zadny zaznam (prislusne rodne cislo neni evidovano); aktualnost dat k 15.12.2013 16:30)
This means that: There is currently no record for your SIN in the Register (the relevant birth number is not recorded); current date to 15.12.2013 16:30)
SMS statement contains the most important information about your current debts listed in the Register FO. You find information about each debt amounts and about individual creditors which reported these debts to the Register of natural persons based on your consent and date of validity of SMS statement.
Zero in your debt amount means that your debt was repaid. This information is in the Register for three years since date of repayment of the debt. In case of the product „Telecommunications, electronic communications services or product of electricity or gas” when the source of the record is telco operator the information about repayed debt is automatically deleted after one year since date of repay of the debts.
If you want details about your debt listed in the Registers we recommend to contact the member company which reported this record.
There are no identification data in the SMS statement.
The SMS statement does not contain the date of repayment of debt which starts a period for automatic delete.
This means that service of Premium SMS are not enabled on your mobile phone. You have to ask your mobile operator to enable it. This error message appears to customers of O2 and T-Mobile networks. Unfortunately, Vodafone will let you send the SMS, even if the service is blocked, but they will not deliver you the statement.
If you have not receive the SMS statement, ask your operator to enable the Premium SMS service and send the ordering SMS again (charged is only the delivered SMS statement). If you have allowed Premium SMS service and you have sufficient credit and you still have not received the SMS statement, call the Customer service line of SID, a.s. on the telephone number 222 368 707. SMS statement is charged only in the moment when the SMS with the statement is delivered. SMS statement service is available in the network of O2 Czech Republic a.s., T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s. and Vodafone Czech Republic a.s.
Technical Solution SMS extract does not allow the user to get more than one chargeable SMS extract for six hours. If you accidentally send multiple requests in a row, and you will receive only one answer that is charged and contains an extract from the register.
On the other applications you will receive a royalty-free info sms: “Since your last request by SMS vypis unexpired enough time (you can only enter 1 for 6 hours).”
You can use only one mobile telephone number bound to your personal SIN in order to ensure maximum security After your first request your telephone number will be recorded. This mobile telephone number will be checked in subsequent queries in order to ascertain whether a query on a given SIN was realized from the appropriate mobile telephone number.
No. You can request only with one SIN from one mobile telephone number in order to ensure maximum security. You can replace the saved mobile telephone number by anotherproces while simultaneously granting the consent to the same extent for the new mobile telephone number.
You can change your telephone number through the Customer service, after they verify your SIN code and your original telephone number. Contact information for Customer service can be found in the Contact section.
Blocking of SIN because of its disclosure is possible through our Customer service after verification of your SIN and telephone number. To further use of the SMS statement service, you will need to request a new SIN. Contact information for the Customer service can be found in the Contact section.
Please note that this service is charged according to your tariff. This line is operated by Společnost pro informační databáze, a.s.
The SMS statement application for mobile phones with Android or iOS provides an extension of successful service the SMS statement. The SMS statement application allows you at any time and from any place in the Czech republic to verify what information is kept about you in the Register FO SOLUS.
Application has following benefits:
And for Android also includes a comprehensive archive of incoming statements.
For a description of how to install the application, please visit
Po přečtení úvodní obrazovky klikněte na tlačítko Pokračovat. Na další obrazovce vložte svůj osobní SIN kód, který Vám byl vygenerován sdružením SOLUS. Tento kód je složen z osmi písmen. Po vložení SIN kódu stiskněte tlačítko Zaregistrovat. Na další obrazovce zvolte svůj vlastní čtyř číselný PIN, který budete používat pro budoucí přihlášení do aplikace, PIN si dobře zapamatujte, po dobu používání jej nelze změnit, poté stiskněte tlačítko Přihlásit. Nyní se nacházíte v základním menu aplikace.
Pro správnou funkci aplikace je nutné zadat do aplikace číslo mobilního telefonu, ve kterém aplikaci používáte a ze kterého budete posílat žádost o výpis. Poklepejte na řádek s textem „Telefonní číslo“ a vložte telefonní číslo bez předpony +420. Stiskněte OK.
Pro Android:
O výpis požádáte stisknutím tlačítka Žádost o SMS výpis z Registru FO. Aplikace Vám zobrazí podmínky objednání SMS výpisu a vyzve Vás k potvrzení. Po potvrzení aplikace potvrdí odeslání požadavku.
Pro iOS:
O výpis požádáte stisknutím tlačítka Připravit SMS se žádostí o Výpis. Aplikace Vám zobrazí podmínky objednání SMS výpisu a vyzve Vás k potvrzení. Po potvrzení aplikace sestaví objednávací SMS, kterou odešlete.
Při odesílání druhé a další SMS zprávy bude objednávací SMS ve tvaru „SOLUS VášosobníSIN R identifikační kód“ např.:
Pro Android:
Pro iOS:
SMS s výpisem naleznete ve Vašich přijatých SMS. První příchozí SMS přijde z čísla 902 11 125, druhý a každý další výpis přijde z 902 11 050.
Yes, if you uninstall the application, then the first SMS statement after installing new application will be again for 99 CZK and the second and every other statement within the installation will be again for 30 CZK. If it is not necessary then do not uninstall the application, you will lose the discount and archive of statements.
Yes of course. You can download and install the application from Google play or App store. After your first start you set your SIN and then your own four-letter PIN. The first SMS sent by reinstalled application will be charged according to the higher price.
SIN which was set after installation can not be changed in order to ensure maximum security. If you changed your SIN you have to reinstall your application. After reinstall of your application your archive of incoming SMS statement will be deleted and first SMS will be charged according to the higher price
PIN which was set after installation can not be changed in order to ensure maximum security. If you forget your PIN you have to reinstall your application. After reinstall of your application your archive of incoming SMS statement will be deleted and first SMS will be charged according to the higher price.
No, internet is needed only for the download of the application from Google play or App store. SMS statement service works on Premium SMS principle
Consumers not meeting their obligations relating to the activity of at least one Member of the SOLUS Association involved in the activity of SOLUS Negative Registers are included into the Register FO or Register IC. We can find the up-to-dateist list of Member companies.
The criterion for initial inclusion into the Register of consumers is the fact that a consumer is in delay with fulfillment of his liabilities from a credit, leasing or another agreement, from which financial obligation after maturity arose to him towards the creditor and this delay lasts for a set period.
The minimum debt amount for initial inclusion info the SOLUS Negative Registers (Register FO and Register IC) is 500 CZK.
Recording to the Register FO or Register IC is realized by the member company of the SOLUS Association usually after 3 consecutive unpaid installments (In the case of telecomunications it is delay, that takes 3 unpaid invoices or 3 months from the maturity date of unpaid invoice).
At the begining of the contract it is possible to record a debtor into the Registers SOLUS after two unpaid installments and at the end of the contract in the case of one last unpaid installment. The member company can record its client also in case of cancellation of contract due to default on the part of the client.
In every case the time of delay is not less than 30 days.
The Register FO and the Register IC gather negative information about clients which are not interested in fulfilment or are not able to fulfil their liabilities. The Register FO and The Register IC contain only information, which is necessary for client identification and the information about the breach of the obligation to repay.
The Register FO and the Register IC do not include any kind of sensitive personal information, nor other subsidiary information like information about the client´s income. Pursuant to the request into the Negative Registers the only information which the member company receives is the identification of the client (this information they already had) and the information about the debt or it´s repayment. The information about the repayment is kept in the register for three years after the end of the delay.
In case of electronic communications services and energy supply services for the period of the client’s delay with the payment of his / her obligations and one year after the end of the delay.
Based on an electronic request via a web form or a written request with your signature, you have the possibility to obtain information about whether you are included in the Registers of SOLUS (Register FO, Register IC, Positive Register), what data are kept about you and the source of the information in question relating to your personal data. Your identity must be accompanied with a photocopy of the identity document (identity card, residence permit, passport) or an officially verified signature.
The address for sending a written application with your signature is: SOLUS, zájmové sdružení právnických osob, Antala Staška 510/38, 140 00 Praha 4 – Krč.
To receive the statement from the FO Register, you can also use the fast SMS service. The basis of the service is the SIN code, which you can order via the request
The response to a request for information may be charged in the cases referred to in Article 12 (5) of the GDPR.
Link to web form for Electronic Application.
Internal security provisions do not allow:
* To process the answer to a request for information personally while one waits.
* To provide the answer to a request for information per telephone.
* To process the answer to a request for information in an accelerated procedure.
Records are not erased immediately after the repayment of the debt after maturity because the information about breach of payment schedule (with following repayment) is relevant for decision processes in the risk management. Your personal data, including information on the payment of an overdue amount, for which you have been included to the Register FO or Register IC are kept in the registers for a period of three years since the repayment of the debt. After this period the record about you is automatically erased from the registers.
In case that debt was on the product „Telco “, „Energy” or „Gas“ the record is kept in the register for one year since the repayment of the debt. The record is erased automatically.
The member companies of the SOLUS Association have the obligation to update the database at least once a month, always by the 10th day in the calendar month according to the status as of the last day of the previous month.
The cases, when consumer is included into the SOLUS Register without reason are very rare.It usually happens because of identity theft. If you are in doubt about your inclusion into the SOLUS Registers, please contact the member of the Association who is responsible for the record. In the case of undue inclusion the record is immediately deleted.
You may also contact the Data Protection Officer at
The deletion of records from the Register FO and the Register IC occurs automatically after:
In case of the inclusion of personal data in the Positive Register, the record is recorded:
The data is automatically deleted from the Positive Registry after the stated period of time.
These periods of time are set within the limits specified in §20z sec. 11 of Act no. 634/1992 Coll., On Consumer Protection, as amended.
You can in writing express disagreement with SOLUS against the evidence of your personal data in the Positive register. In such a case, the operator will remove all records relating to you from the register without undue delay and take measures to prevent further records relating to you from being entered. Such your statement should include your first name, surname, maiden name, any other name, birth number, date of birth, nationality, identity card number, passport number, identification number (IČ) in case you do business, address of your permanent residence and your signature. If this information is not included, we may not be able to identify the records that apply to your person.
Expressing disagreement with the evidence of the data the Positive register does not affect the records in the negative registers (Register FO, Register IC).
If you believe that there are specific reasons for earlier deletion of your personal data, please provide us with the most detailed description of these reasons and relevant documents and send it to
The members of the SOLUS Association decide about providing of their services pursuant to ability of the client to fulfill his obligations. To analyse this ability the members use a wide spectrum of available information which includes also the information from the SOLUS registers.
If other available facts show that the client will be able to fulfill his obligations, the existence of the record of some past liabilities might not be a problem for obtaining a service.
We do not provide such a service. See also the answer to the question “How long does it take to process a request for statement?“
We can deliver the answer to the request for a statement in two ways:
We will deliver the answer to the contact address you have provided in your application. By post, we only deliver the statements to the Czech Republic. The answer will be delivered to you by Společnost pro informační databáze, a. s. (SID), which is the processor fulfilling the statutory duty of SOLUS.
We always address the statement to the person, whose personal data are stated in the statement. We will send you the statement to any contact address in the Czech Republic. In case you need to send the statement directly to third person, this person needs to have the power of attorney, which must contain officially authenticated signature of the grantor.
You will learn from the statement whether you are recorded in the database or not. If you are recorded in the database, then you will further learn what personal data are recorded about you, information about the existence of a debt or its payment and information about the company which included your data into the database (source of data).
If you are interested in more details concerning the circumstances of your inclusion into the Register FO, Register IC or Positive Register, you have to address the Member companies, which provided your data to the database (source of data).
The statements of processing personal data are for your personal use and, in accordance with GDPR, contain all personal data that SOLUS processes about you, regardless of whether or not they have been blocked. However, other potential recipients (members of SOLUS) do not receive blocked data when they make a query (as part of your request for providing service).